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Square Jaw Reduction Surgery Costs in Korea: What You Need to Know

Achieve the Perfect V-Line with Korean Jaw Reduction Surgery



Square jaw reduction surgery, also known as mandible reduction surgery, is a popular cosmetic procedure in Korea designed to reshape the lower jaw to create a more V-shaped or oval facial contour. This surgery is particularly sought after in Korea due to cultural beauty standards that favor softer, more feminine facial features. Understanding the costs, procedure details, recovery process, and the possibility of combining it with other surgeries like chin tip and cheekbone reduction is crucial for anyone considering this transformative procedure.


Before and After Square Jaw Surgery
Before and After Square Jaw Surgery


Understanding Square Jaw Reduction Surgery

Square jaw reduction surgery involves the surgical contouring of the jawbone to reduce its width and create a more streamlined and aesthetically pleasing shape. This procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia by a qualified maxillofacial or plastic surgeon.



How the Surgery is Done

Consultation and Planning

The process begins with a thorough consultation with the surgeon. During this stage, the surgeon assesses the patient’s facial structure, discusses the desired outcome, and plans the surgery. Advanced imaging techniques, such as 3D CT scans, are often used to create a detailed map of the jawbone.



On the day of the surgery, the patient is placed under general anesthesia to ensure comfort and pain-free operation.


Incision and Bone Shaving

The surgeon makes incisions inside the mouth to access the jawbone, avoiding visible scars. Using specialized surgical tools, the surgeon carefully shaves and reshapes the outer layer of the jawbone to reduce its width and prominence. In some cases, the surgeon might also remove a portion of the bone if necessary.


Contouring and Smoothing

After the initial reduction, the bone edges are smoothed and contoured to achieve a natural look. The surgeon ensures that the jawline is symmetrical and balanced with the rest of the facial features.


Closing the Incisions

The incisions inside the mouth are closed with dissolvable stitches, and the patient is monitored as they wake up from anesthesia.
The recovery period following square jaw reduction surgery is crucial for achieving the best results. Here’s a detailed look at what to expect during recovery. 




Recovery Process after Square Jaw Reduction Surgery


V-line Surgery Korea
V-line Surgery Korea


Initial Recovery (1-2 Weeks)

  • Swelling and Bruising: Significant swelling and bruising are common in the first week. The use of cold compresses and prescribed medications can help manage these symptoms.

  • Diet: A soft or liquid diet is recommended to avoid stressing the jaw. Foods that require minimal chewing are ideal.

  • Pain Management: Pain and discomfort can be managed with prescribed painkillers. It’s important to follow the surgeon’s instructions regarding medication.



Mid-Term Recovery (3-6 Weeks)

  • Reduced Swelling: Swelling begins to subside, and the initial results of the surgery become more apparent.

  • Gradual Diet: Patients can slowly reintroduce solid foods as tolerated.

  • Follow-Up Visits: Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon are essential to monitor healing and address any concerns.



Long-Term Recovery (3-6 Months)

  • Final Results: It may take several months for the swelling to completely subside and for the final results to be visible.

  • Normal Activities: Most patients can resume normal activities within a few weeks, but strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least a month.




Combining Square Jaw Reduction with Other Procedures

To achieve a more harmonious facial appearance, square jaw reduction surgery can be combined with other procedures such as chin tip surgery and cheekbone reduction surgery.



Chin Tip Surgery

Chin tip surgery, or genioplasty, involves reshaping the chin to improve facial balance and harmony. This procedure can enhance the results of jaw reduction surgery by further refining the jawline and creating a more V-shaped facial contour.


Chin Tip Surgery Procedure

The surgeon makes an incision either inside the mouth or under the chin. The chin bone is then reshaped, and implants may be used to achieve the desired shape and projection.


Recovery after Chin Tip Surgery

Similar to jaw reduction surgery, the recovery involves swelling, bruising, and a soft diet initially. Full recovery can take several weeks.


From Square Jaw to V-line
From Square Jaw to V-line


Cheekbone Reduction Surgery

Cheekbone reduction surgery, or zygoma reduction, reduces the prominence of the cheekbones to create a softer facial appearance. This procedure can be particularly beneficial for individuals with wide or prominent cheekbones that detract from the overall facial harmony.


Cheekbone Surgery Procedure

The surgeon makes incisions inside the mouth and/or along the hairline to access the cheekbones. The bones are then reshaped or repositioned to achieve a more balanced look.


Recovery after Cheekbone Surgery

Recovery involves managing swelling and bruising, with a similar timeline to jaw reduction surgery. Patients are advised to follow a soft diet and avoid strenuous activities during the initial recovery period.




Costs of Square Jaw Reduction Surgery in Korea

Square jaw reduction surgery in Korea involves several costs, including surgeon's fees, anesthesia, hospital or clinic fees, and medical tests and imaging. The surgeon's fees vary based on their experience and reputation, with more experienced surgeons charging higher rates. General anesthesia is required for the procedure, adding to the overall cost, as do the fees for using the surgical facility and receiving pre- and post-operative care. Additionally, pre-surgical tests and imaging are necessary. The minimum amount for the entire process typically starts at around $5,000. For the exact prices you can contact AB’s customer center. 



Additional Costs

Additionally, there are potential costs that may arise post-surgery. Medications for pain management and antibiotics can add between $100 and $300. While follow-up consultations are usually included in the initial fee, extra visits or treatments may incur additional charges. If the surgery is combined with other procedures such as chin tip surgery or cheekbone reduction, the overall costs will increase, with each additional procedure potentially adding $3,000 to $7,000 or more.



Medical Tourism Packages

For international patients, many Korean clinics offer medical tourism packages that include:

  • Surgery Costs: All-inclusive surgery fees.

  • Accommodation: Hotel stays for the recovery period.

  • Transportation: Airport transfers and transportation to and from the clinic.

  • Interpreter Services: Assistance with language barriers.

Square jaw reduction surgery in Korea is a highly specialized procedure that can significantly enhance facial aesthetics by creating a more refined and balanced jawline. Understanding the details of the procedure, recovery process, and costs involved is essential for anyone considering this surgery. Additionally, combining jaw reduction with chin tip surgery and cheekbone reduction can provide a comprehensive approach to achieving the desired facial contour.

While the costs of square jaw reduction surgery in Korea can be substantial, it is still more affordable compared to the United States. The proficiency of Korean surgeons is at an exceptional level, often utilizing advanced surgical techniques for optimal results. By thoroughly researching and selecting a reputable clinic and surgeon, patients can ensure they achieve the best possible outcomes from their surgery.


Let our consultants guide you through the process. Contact AB Plastic Surgery today.


AB Plastic Surgery Korea
AB Plastic Surgery Korea


Opening Hours
  • WeekdayAM 10:00 ~ PM 7:00
  • SaturdayAM 10:00 ~ PM 5:00
  • Evening HoursAM 10:00 ~ PM 09:00 (Fri)

*Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

AB Plastic Surgery Korea

Medical Institution : AB Plastic Surgery 3~4F BLOCK 77 Building, 17, Seocho-daero 77-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea (Line No.2, Gangnam Station, Exit No.10)
Business Registration Number : 542-40-00868 TEL : 02-512-1288 FAX : 02-512-1298 E-mail:admin@abplasticsurgerykorea.com