A broad and thick chest with masculine characteristics feminizedDate
Medical Column

When performing breast surgery, various factors are considered to create an ideal body image for women. Let's take a look at the process of analyzing a patient and determining the key points for surgery to achieve an overall beautiful body line.
Today, let's examine individuals with large, wide, and thick chest tissues, which often give off a masculine vibe. We'll explore how to create a more feminine impression.

1. Pre-surgery Breast Shape Analysis:
Before surgery, it's essential to analyze the development of the breasts and the overall body balance.
The underbust circumference is 78, and the chest width is 12.8, indicating a larger-than-average thoracic size for adult females.
The skin and subcutaneous fat layers are quite thick, ranking in the top 10%.
The pectoralis major muscle is also significantly large, providing thickness and volume.
Given the large thoracic size, it's crucial to avoid using implants that are too large, as they can give the impression of a larger-bodied woman, which might not be desired.
So, how should implants be selected in such cases?
Implants with diameters significantly smaller than the thoracic size are also not ideal, as they may create unnatural spacing between the breasts. Therefore, aiming for a volume around 360cc, equivalent to a C cup (from the original 75A), was determined as the goal. The incision site was designed according to the patient's preference.
The key points for surgery were set as follows:
A. Diluting the masculine thoracic impression by moderately narrowing the sternum.
B. Avoiding excessive lateral bulging while maintaining the three-dimensional volume of the front and 45-degree chest areas.
2. Surgical Process:
During surgery, doctors continually adjust their strategies to ensure they align with the set goals.
One crucial aspect that can differ from expectations is the 'elasticity of tissues,' which is vital in breast surgery. When breast tissues expand naturally along with the implant, it results in an ideal shape. Failure to achieve this can lead to less desirable outcomes, such as long-term bulging in the upper chest or nipple pointing downwards.
This patient was anticipated to have lower tissue elasticity, so the decision regarding the placement of breast implants (submuscular vs. subglandular) was deferred until the surgery. Eventually, the decision was made to insert the implants subfascially. This choice was made considering the expected significant swelling and slow recovery associated with muscle dissection, particularly in cases of masculine chest structures.
Additionally, adjustments were made to the volume during surgery. As the left breast had slightly more lateral tissue than the right, resulting in a perception of asymmetry, an extra 20cc was added to the right implant, resulting in a final volume of 380cc on the right and 360cc on the left, using Motiva demi implants.
Patient's height: 154cm / Weight: 46kg
Based on actual medical records.
Photos used with patient's consent.

Today, we examined how to transform a chest with masculine features into a more feminine appearance by analyzing the patient's chest and discussing surgical considerations.
Stay tuned for the next post, where we'll discuss the post-surgery changes!
This was Dr. Lee Jin-ho from AB Cosmetic Surgery. Thank you!"