Facial Contouring All 3-Set, Rhinoplasty Revision (Donated Rib Cartilage, Nostril Reduction), Forehead ReductionViews
My Plastic Surgery Story
So I am writing this after 8 months since I had my surgery.
I used to have like a cracking sound whenever I opened my mouth before the surgery and I was really stressed about it.
However, I no longer hear the sound which I am super satisfied about.
To the people, who are interested in facial contouring but are worried about not being able to open your mouth properly after the surgery,
Let me tell you, I think I will be able to fit my fist in my mouth LOL.
At first, It was definitely a bit of work for me to overcome the swellings right after the surgery since I had sort of a "foreign" feeling on my face.
However, it was seriously worth the wait for the swellings to go away, right now I am extremely satisfied with the result.
Furthermore, the scars that I had from the forehead reduction seems to be fading away day by day as well, except for the time when I drink alcohol. (The scars seems to become more reddish, and I think
alcohol definitely has relation with it).
But, honestly, this is not a major issue for me, so I am more than appy haha.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention this but I am also really proud of myself for making the decision to do the revision rhinoplasty at AB.
Now, whenver I look in the mirror, I think it's just so magical for my nose to be not droopy but straight, high and gorgeous!!!!!!
I really much appreciate the doctors' hard work!!!