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Bulbous Nose Rhinoplasty

We correct a wide-looking nose and help to achieve
a refined and natural appearance.

Precisely with a slim design

The tip of a blunt and flat nose appears dull, and the overall nose lacks height, resulting in a lack of a three-dimensional effect on the face, making it appear flat. By accurately analyzing various causes, one can correct the nose to achieve a slim and sophisticated nose shape.

Concerns of patients with bulbous nose

Most people believe that a thick, stubby nose tip appears stuffy due to its width. Many people think that inserting a nasal bridge implant can solve this issue. However, improving the shape of the nose tip is not easily achieved, and rhinoplasty is typically required to address it. This involves assembling or raising cartilage from the tip of the nose.


*AB Plastic surgery real model

Precisely with a Slim Design

Surgical Information

Bulbous Nose Rhinoplasty

Recommended Target
  1. 1. Individuals with an overall low nose.
  2. 2. Those who are concerned about a low nasal bridge making the forehead appear wide.
  3. 3. Individuals with a nasal bridge lower than the tip of the nose.
  4. 4. Those with a smaller proportion of the nose compared to the face.
Surgery Duration
1 hour ~ 1 hour 30 min
Anesthesia method
Partial anesthesia/Sedation
Inpatient Treatment
Not required
Suture Removal
After 7~14 days
In-hospital Treatment
2~3 times
Recovery Period
After 7 days

Bulbous Nose Rhinoplasty Surgery Method

Learn about AB Plastic Surgery's Bulbous Nose Rhinoplasty Surgery Method.

Wide alar cartilage

Considering the overall shape of the nose, the alar cartilage at the tip of the nose is resected to an appropriate width.
Then, both alar cartilages are sutured together to bring the tip of the nose together.

Surgery Method

Before surgery

Surgery Method

Insert silicon, autologous cartilages, etc.

Wide nose tip cartilage

The widened nasal tip cartilage is assembled, and then the nose tip cartilage is lifted to heighten the nose tip and give a slim shape to the nose.

Surgery Method

Before surgery

Surgery Method

The alar cartilage is assembled and tied,
and additional cartilage is inserted.

Thick subcutaneous tissue of the nose tip

In cases where the skin or tissue on the tip of the nose is thick, the appropriate amount of it is removed,
and then the nose tip is raised. This procedure provides a slim nose shape.

Surgery Method

Before surgery

Surgery Method

Nasal tip subcutaneous tissue is removed

Before & After Rhinoplasty

AB Plastic SurgeryAB Plastic SurgeryAB Plastic SurgeryAB Plastic SurgeryAB Plastic SurgeryAB Plastic Surgery

Surgical site

Incision eyelid correction / Epicanthoplasty / Lateral сanthoplasty / Lower сanthoplasty / Under eye fat repositioning / Fat grafting / Rhinoplasty [Nose osteotomy / Bulbous nose] / Alar resection 2 months after

Safety system

Through the establishment of various safety management systems,
patients can undergo surgery more safely.


Full-time Anesthesiologist

An anesthesiology specialist monitors the patient in real-time during surgery and performs double and triple checks through a central monitoring system.


Real-time Monitoring During the Anesthesia

The entire process of the surgery, including pre-, during, and post-surgical procedures, is managed in real-time with a full-time anesthesiologist.


Safe Medical Examination Before Surgery

For safer surgery, we have established an in-hospital examination system. This allows us to perform a comprehensive pre-operative examination.


Highest Standard Safety Equipment

Through the establishment of various safety management systems, we ensure that patients can undergo surgery safely and with peace of mind.

Make your own plan for Korean Plastic Surgery

Please note that the actual medical schedule may vary depending on each patient's individual condition,
such as health status, and the specific surgical procedures involved.

Tailored to meet individual needs,
our service ensures that your medical tourism journey is planned
with the utmost care and precision, considering your unique medical requirements

Date of surgery

  • Eye Surgery

  • Nose Surgery

  • Fatgraft

  • Lifting

  • Acu

  • Breast Surgery

  • Body Shaping

  • liposuction

  • Lip

  • Facial Contouring

  • Skincare

  • Stem Cells

Opening Hours
  • WeekdayAM 10:00 ~ PM 7:00
  • SaturdayAM 10:00 ~ PM 5:00
  • Evening HoursAM 10:00 ~ PM 09:00 (Fri)

*Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

AB Plastic Surgery Korea

Medical Institution : AB Plastic Surgery 3~4F BLOCK 77 Building, 17, Seocho-daero 77-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea (Line No.2, Gangnam Station, Exit No.10)
Business Registration Number : 542-40-00868 TEL : 02-512-1288 FAX : 02-512-1298 E-mail:admin@abplasticsurgerykorea.com